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Privacy policy

1. Privacy policy
1.1 affordable attaches great importance to your personal information security and privacy. This policy, together with our terms of use, sets out the basic rules on how we handle personal data collected as a result of your use of this website (the "website"), and describes the cookies We use. Personal data will be processed in accordance with applicable data protection laws for the purpose of information submission. Please read the following carefully to understand our views and operations on personal data, processing methods and the use of cookies.
2. Information we may collect from you
2.1 we may collect and process the following data about you:
2.1.1 the information you provide when you fill in the form on this website. This includes information provided when registering to use the site, ordering services, publishing materials or requesting further services. We may also ask you for information when you participate in a competition or promotion sponsored by us, or when you report a problem with this website.
2.1.2 if you contact us, we may keep a communication record.
2.1.3 we may also ask you to fill in the survey for our research, but this is not a mandatory requirement.
2.1.4 details of your visit to this website, including but not limited to traffic data, location data, blog and other communication data (whether or not required for our own purposes) and the resources you visit. For more information about cookies and how we use them, please read the section below.
3. Where do we store your personal data
3.1 the data we collect from you may be transferred to and stored in a place in Switzerland (server location) or another location inside or outside the European economic area.
3.2 all the information you provide to us is stored in our secure server. If we give you (or you choose to use) a password so that you can access a part of this website, you are responsible for the confidentiality of the password. Please do not disclose the password to others.
3.3 unfortunately, the transmission of information over the Internet is not entirely secure. Although we take the best measures to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of the data you transmit to this website; any transmission operation is at your own risk. After receiving your information, we will adopt strict procedures and security measures to prevent unauthorized access.
4. How to use information
4.1 we use information about you in the following ways:
4.1.1 ensure that the contents of this website are provided to you and your computer in the most effective way.
4.1.2 provide you with information, products or services at your request, or provide you with the above information, products or services that we think you may be interested in with your consent.
4.1.3 fulfill our contractual obligations with you.
4.1.4 allow you to choose to participate in the interactive functions of our services.
4.1.5 notify you of service changes.
4.1.6 create and manage your personal account in affordable.
4.1.7 inform the winner of the organized online competition.
4.1.8 test and improve our service delivery system.
4.1.9 prevent abuse or improper use of our services.
4.1.10 send you a survey of satisfaction with our services (provided through affordable or a third party on our behalf), products and the overall experience associated with affordable.
4.2 if you are an existing customer, we will only provide you with goods and service information similar to the last sale by electronic means (e.g. email, SMS, APP) or email.
4.3 if you are a new customer, with your consent, we (or they) will only contact you by electronic means or email when we allow selected third parties to use your data.
4.4 if you do not want us to use your data in this way, or transfer your data to a third party for marketing purposes, please check the corresponding check box on the form (order) where we collect data, or contact us through the following ways: affordablecom@gmail.com 。
4.5 for research purposes, we may share non individual, non individual statistics or demographic information with marketing partners, advertisers or other third parties in the form of aggregation.
4.6 we may also collect some information about your use of this website through your use of this website, but it does not contain your personal identity information. Generally, this information is collected through "traffic data". This information may be automatically collected and stored when you interact with this website. For example, every time you visit this website, we may collect your IP address, computer host name, browser information and domain name of the reference website. We may also collect information about customer traffic patterns and website usage. However, this information does not contain any content that can identify you personally; we use this information to analyze and improve this website and provide customers with a satisfactory Internet experience. Please read the section about cookies below to learn more about how we use cookies and when to ask for your consent.
5. Disclosure of your information
5.1 we may disclose your personal information to any member of our group, including subsidiaries, ultimate holding companies and their subsidiaries, which may be located inside or outside Zambia.
5.2 we may disclose your personal information to the following third parties:
5.2.1 help us manage this website (such as our Internet service provider) or a third party that provides the services you request. These third parties must always provide your personal information with the same level of security as affordable.
5.2.2 when we sell or purchase business or assets, we may disclose your personal data to potential sellers or purchasers of the business or assets.
5.2.3 the third party acting on our behalf. Examples include: filling out forms, posting packages, processing credit card payments, providing customer service, sending emails and e-mails, removing duplicate information from customer lists, data analysis, providing marketing assistance, conducting customer satisfaction surveys, providing customized advertising, and providing search results and links (including paid lists and links). They can obtain the personal information they need to perform their duties, but not for other purposes. In addition, they must process personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and to the extent permitted by applicable data protection laws.
5.2.4 if affordable or all of its assets or any member of our group is acquired by a third party, in this case, the customer's personal data held by the institution will be part of the transferred assets.
5.2.5 we have the responsibility to disclose or share your personal data when we comply with our legal obligations, or for the implementation or application of our terms of use and other agreements, or for the protection of the rights, property or safety of affordable or any member, customer or other person of our group. This includes exchanging information with other companies or organizations for fraud protection and credit risk reduction purposes.
6. Your rights
6.1 you can withdraw your consent to process your data at any time by sending us an email or letter or by clicking the corresponding box on the form used to collect your data. The withdrawal will take effect on the same day. You can always ask for information about which data you are processing and for what purpose. In addition, you can correct, block or delete your data according to legal requirements. If you need to claim your rights and have any questions, please go to affordablecom@gmail.com Contact us.
6.2 you have the right to disagree with our use of certain cookies. Please read the following section about cookies for more information.
6.3 "this website" may sometimes contain links to the websites of our partner networks, advertisers and affiliated companies. If you visit these websites through links, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies, and we do not assume any responsibility or legal responsibility for these policies. Please read these policies before submitting personal data to these websites.
7. Cookies and spyware
7.1 use of cookies and spyware
7.1.1 we will never use or install spyware on your computer, nor will we use spyware to collect information from your computer.
7.1.2 like many websites, we use "cookie", which is a file saved by your browser on the computer hard disk to collect and store specific information about you.
7.1.3 most browsers automatically accept cookies, but allow you to disable the feature. Most browser help menus show you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to let your browser notify you when it receives new cookies, and how to disable cookies completely. You can choose to disable or delete previously accepted cookies.
7.1.4 we suggest that you keep the cookie "open" so that we can provide you with a better use experience on this website. If you set up your browser to block all cookies (including absolutely necessary cookies), you may not be able to access some parts of this website.
7.1.5 we have set specific cookies on your device and recommend that you agree to use them. Otherwise, although you can still use this website, some parts of the website may not be able to use or use normally.
7.2 we use the following cookies:
7.2.1 ﹣ absolutely necessary ﹣ cookies. These are the cookies necessary for the operation of this website and the completion of the services you are seeking. These include, for example, cookies that allow you to log into the security zone of the website.
7.2.2 function cookie. These cookies record the choices you make on this website, such as your user name, language or region. In this way, we can personalize your visit to this website.
7.2.3 performance cookie. These are "analytical" cookies, which allow us to collect information about how visitors use the website (e.g. calculating the number of visitors and understanding how visitors browse the cookie of the website). These cookies record your visits to the website, pages visited and links clicked. These cookies do not collect information that identifies you. All information is anonymous. This helps us to improve the way this website works.
7.2.3 (I) we use the google analytics service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google") to analyze your use of this website. The information generated by Google Analytics is subject to Google's privacy policy and will be transmitted to and stored on Google's servers in the United States. Before transmission, the information will be anonymized and the last eight bytes of your IP address will be deleted. Google will then process that information for us to assess your use of the site, write reports about the site's behavior, and provide other services about Internet use. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You can make corresponding settings on the browser to refuse to use cookies for the above purposes. But in this case, you may not be able to use all the functions of this website. You can also download and install plug-ins for the browser to exit the collection and processing of usage data (including IP address) http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=zh 。 To learn more about how Google uses your data, see http://www.google.com/analytics/learn/privacy.html 。
7.2.3 (II) visits visitors to our website from Chinese mainland. We will replace Google with the Site Monitor of Beijing second hand information Consulting Company Limited (second hand company) on the website. Analytics, whether the company uses second hand or Google Corporation products, its purpose is the same, the same restrictions are the same. The second hand company's servers are in mainland China. If you want to disable site monitor on your browser, you can visit the website http://i.miaozhen.com/cookie_ opt.html Learn more.
7.2.4 social media cookies. These cookies allow you to share website content using social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, twitter, instagram). We have no control over these cookies because they are set by social media platforms themselves.
7.2.5 advertising cookies. These cookies enable us to provide you with customized advertising on third-party platforms based on your interest in our products and services when you visit our website. These cookies do not collect information that identifies you. All information is anonymous.
8. Changes in privacy policy
8.1 if the "privacy policy" changes in the future, it will be published on this page. At the same time, you will be informed by email if appropriate.
9. Contact information
9.1 if you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact us at the following ways: affordablecom@gmail.com  。