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This Is Us Reveals the Fate of Randall's Mother

This Is Us is back and just as devastating as ever. 

Tonight, we learned the fate of Randall's (Sterling K. Brown) mother, and it turns out we're not about to see Randall finally meet his birth mom. She's actually dead, but she's only been dead for five years as opposed to 40 years like everyone previously thought. 

Randall discovered this info thanks to his mother's friend—the Vietnamese man we've met a few times this season—who contacted him after that video of him dancing went viral. The man explained that he and Laura had met when they were in their 20s and knew each other until she died of breast cancer in 2015. He confirmed that what William told Randall (about Laura dying of an overdose after childbirth) was the truth as far as William knew it. 

After a bit of a panic and a call with his therapist, Randall's now ready to find out what's going on and plans to meet this man in person.